In South Africa, we celebrate Women's Day each year on the 9th August!
To commemorate the Women who fought the apartheid law, imposed on black people to carry pass (passport) to travel outside their regions. It was their fortitude that inspired them to March on, in 1956 to the Union Buildings, and protest against the government's law, which was made to restrict their movements within their own country, their homeland!
I could write this entire article about Women's Day in South Africa...but it will have to pass...
The Pass/ Passport
Now, in 1956 my parents were not even born yet, when the strong women of that time fought for free movement. No. here we are now...
In 2021, yes. Guess what? We seem to be facing new pass laws being imposed on the public...once again. But this's different!!
This time, passes are not only put in place to restrict and segregating people based on the colour of their skin. This time, the governments' reason is nothing other than Covid-19. Oh how amazing our governments are, always putting us first...NOT!
It doesn't matter how one looks at it...if it looks and smells like another divide and conquer or've guessed it....Oi, we're in trouble ain't we!
France now introducing COVID Pass for Non-EU Tourists! the French “Pass Sanitaire” has been required for entrance into museums, movie theaters and other sites and attractions in France and since August 9 to access restaurants, cafes, trains, domestic flights and most other indoor venues.
but France is not the only country that is having a COVID Pass in place. An EU vaccine "passport" is being introduced across all 27 member nations - plus Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. "Anyone holding the pass should be exempt from testing or quarantining when crossing a border within the EU" some article, from some news paper said.
Why do I have that line in Bold you wonder....well because it's a booooooold move from governments. If people with a pass are exempted from testing or quarantining, does that mean they are safe for everyone else who may be in contact with them? No, not at all. They can still get covid and pass it on to others. So what does it mean for everyone else?
Back to it....Pass/ Passport
We can't deny it, a pass/ passport carries a lot of power!
depending on where you're from. Some passports, the carrier have very little restrictions, in terms of where they can go...and not even have to pay a dime. While others, only have a few countries that they can access without going through the visa process.
For people who carry "third world country" passports, it's already hard work just getting a visa to travel overseas. The paper work alone is painful, and expensive ( at USD150, sometime even more) add to that the processing and worrying if your application will be approved. You may have never worried about being liked by others before, well apply for a travel visa prior to departure, and I'm not talking about an online form to complete. Now tell me it left you feeling the same as before, that you didn't care...Hah!
So, now we have covid pass added to the list.
Does it mean that unless you have a covid pass, you may not have access to other places/ countries? Interesting isn't it?
Does this whole COVID Pass thing now mean we will be seeing more and more countries adopting the same thing, in other words... will this be the world's copy and paste solution? We don't know...but what we are seeing is a more and more divide, of us as people. Some things are worth standing up for and some against. But which ones we to be all for and/or against....that is the trick one...
It's a continuous cycle of the haves and the have nots.
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We want to see you travel freely and enjoying the world. So let's all stay informed and ready!
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